The Rwenzori Mountains National Park is a fascinating and yet unique park recognized as a world heritage site in 1994 and Rasmar site in 2008.
With its blocks of rock up faulted through the floor of the western rift valley unlike most major mountains in East Africa that are volcanic, its highest point being 5,109 metre above sea level on Mountain Stanley’s Margherita peak which is divided by the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The park sits on about 996 km2 with a diversity of endemic animals and a range of exotic vegetation.
Colorful mosses and arnomous tree-heathers are draped down across the mountainside with vast lobelias and perpetual flowers ascending the slopes of the mountains covered in carpeted moorland, bamboo and rich, moist montane forest. The view is then climaxed with the equatorial snow peaks that include the third highest point in Africa.
The display gives a magnificent, jaw-dropping fairytale scene. The Rwenzoris were named “mountains of the moon” by the Alexandrine geographer Ptolemy in 150 AD, explorer Henry Morton Stanley placed the Rwenzori on the map on 24th May, 1888 and labelled it “Ruwenzori” a local name that means “rain maker”.
The adventures in Rwenzori Mountains National Park are numerous from mountaineering a world class destination, to birding and game watching as you hike plus the camping and cultural encounters.
For bird watching, opportunities are greatest in the montane forest, this is because few bird species can make their home in the savage world of the high Rwenzori.
There are about 217 species of birds in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, these include the;
- Sunbirds
- Bee-eaters
- Robins
- Barbets
Some of the birds like swifts and black eagles may be seen higher up the slopes circling for prey.
The cultural encounters are also as interesting. You visit and walk with the natives as they demonstrate their daily activities of animal keeping, tending to their crops, preparing meals, you also meet the blacksmith, traditional healer and story tellers. You will also enjoy a dance performance together with lively drumming.
You can have a walk along Mubuku River as you follow the crystal clear stream as you see some of the colorful birds of the peak like the Cinnamon chested bee-eaters, Rwenzori turaco, tiny sunbirds and more. Also look out for the Baker and Portal peaks rising above the forests and on a clear day, the snow caped Magherita peak can also be seen.
The famous mountain climbing is also available, it takes 7 days of a challenging climb with a circular tour of the high Rwenzori, all routes and tracks taken offer satisfying rewards for the effort. You can as well go for a nature walk that is effortless compared to the mountaineering.